Wednesday, September 3, 2008

How can you love someone so much?

I love this sweet boy so much, he is such an angel. He goes in for his first surgery on Friday the 5th. We are all very excited and nervous at the same time. We know that he will do great.


Lara Phister said...

Good luck tomorrow guys. I know there's lots of surgeries coming, so I wish you the best of luck. From my experience, medical procedures are much harder on parents then they are on the kids. Kip had surgery when he was 2 weeks, and Sier's had plenty of cat scans, botox injections, electric shock therapies, etc... to last us all a lifetime. Some of it has been harder and more painful than others, but they always make it through better then you think they will. Good luck, my prayers are with you tomorrow.

Allison Lindley said...

He's such a cutie- good luck with the surgery.

The Stamp Attic said...

Dear Ones,
You are awesome parents. What a precious baby you have. You are so lucky! Our prays are with you.